MEN D SECTION: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Gerhard Steyn 5 5 100.00
1 Theo Geyser 5 5 100.00
1 Jaco Smith 5 5 100.00
1 Shane Christian 5 5 100.00
5 Andre Naude 3 3 100.00
6 Richard Beck 4 5 80.00
6 Neil Isaacs 4 5 80.00
6 Will Mason 4 5 80.00
6 Garron Reynolds 4 5 80.00
6 Howard Baybut 4 5 80.00
11 Jacques Louw 3 4 75.00
12 Moegamat Stenekamp 2 3 66.67
13 John Edwards 3 5 60.00
13 Yashlan Govender 3 5 60.00
13 Floyd Townes 3 5 60.00
16 Elroy Kleinveldt 1 2 50.00
17 Andrew Wanless 2 5 40.00
17 Keith Petty 2 5 40.00
17 Vincent Lourenco 2 5 40.00
17 Ruffie Moola 2 5 40.00
17 Vincent Watters 2 5 40.00
17 Steven Roux 2 5 40.00
23 Graham Jeffery 1 4 25.00
23 Anthony Batchelor 1 4 25.00
25 Reginald Nyandeni 1 5 20.00
25 Jan Howell 1 5 20.00
25 Robin Van Reenen 1 5 20.00
28 Garth McGahey 0 5 0.00
28 John Schenk 0 5 0.00
28 Selwyn Vosloo 0 5 0.00
31 Neil Gillett 0 4 0.00
32 Bradley Worth 0 3 0.00
33 John Cocoran 0 2 0.00
34 Riaan Carstens 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Shane Christian 1300
2 Will Mason 1273
3 Floyd Townes 1262
4 Neil Gillett 1182
5 Vincent Watters 1150
5 Howard Baybut 1150
5 John Edwards 1150
5 Graham Jeffery 1150
5 Jacques Louw 1150
5 Steven Roux 1150
11 Andre Naude 1000
12 John Schenk 900
12 Anthony Batchelor 900
12 Riaan Carstens 900
15 Selwyn Vosloo 858
16 Elroy Kleinveldt 800
17 Andrew Wanless 600
17 Richard Beck 600
17 Keith Petty 600
17 Neil Isaacs 600
17 Reginald Nyandeni 600
17 Garron Reynolds 600
17 Vincent Lourenco 600
17 Ruffie Moola 600
17 Gerhard Steyn 600
17 Garth McGahey 600
17 Yashlan Govender 600
17 Robin Van Reenen 600
17 Moegamat Stenekamp 600
17 Bradley Worth 600
31 Jaco Smith 500
32 Theo Geyser 409
33 John Cocoran 375
34 Jan Howell 356
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Gerhard Steyn 100.00 5 0
2 Shane Christian 100.00 5 0
3 Will Mason 80.00 4 1
4 Theo Geyser 100.00 5 0
5 Jaco Smith 100.00 5 0
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Andrew Wanless 600 600 0
1 Richard Beck 600 600 0
1 Keith Petty 600 600 0
1 Neil Isaacs 600 600 0
1 Will Mason 1273 1273 0
1 Reginald Nyandeni 600 600 0
1 Garron Reynolds 600 600 0
1 Vincent Lourenco 600 600 0
1 Ruffie Moola 600 600 0
1 Gerhard Steyn 600 600 0
1 Garth McGahey 600 600 0
1 Vincent Watters 1150 1150 0
1 Howard Baybut 1150 1150 0
1 John Edwards 1150 1150 0
1 Theo Geyser 409 409 0
1 Jaco Smith 500 500 0
1 Yashlan Govender 600 600 0
1 Jan Howell 356 356 0
1 Shane Christian 1300 1300 0
1 Steven Roux 1150 1150 0
1 John Schenk 900 900 0
1 Floyd Townes 1262 1262 0
1 Selwyn Vosloo 858 858 0
1 Robin Van Reenen 600 600 0
25 Neil Gillett 1182 1182 0
25 Graham Jeffery 1150 1150 0
25 Jacques Louw 1150 1150 0
25 Anthony Batchelor 900 900 0
29 Moegamat Stenekamp 600 600 0
29 Andre Naude 1000 1000 0
29 Bradley Worth 600 600 0
32 Elroy Kleinveldt 800 800 0
32 John Cocoran 375 375 0
34 Riaan Carstens 900 900 0
Biggest Rating Gain from a Single Match
# Name Against Gain
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Garth McGahey 5 5 100.00
1 John Schenk 5 5 100.00
1 Selwyn Vosloo 5 5 100.00
4 Neil Gillett 4 4 100.00
5 Bradley Worth 3 3 100.00
6 John Cocoran 2 2 100.00
7 Riaan Carstens 1 1 100.00
8 Reginald Nyandeni 4 5 80.00
8 Jan Howell 4 5 80.00
8 Robin Van Reenen 4 5 80.00
11 Graham Jeffery 3 4 75.00
11 Anthony Batchelor 3 4 75.00
13 Andrew Wanless 3 5 60.00
13 Keith Petty 3 5 60.00
13 Vincent Lourenco 3 5 60.00
13 Ruffie Moola 3 5 60.00
13 Vincent Watters 3 5 60.00
13 Steven Roux 3 5 60.00
19 Elroy Kleinveldt 1 2 50.00
20 John Edwards 2 5 40.00
20 Yashlan Govender 2 5 40.00
20 Floyd Townes 2 5 40.00
23 Moegamat Stenekamp 1 3 33.33
24 Jacques Louw 1 4 25.00
25 Richard Beck 1 5 20.00
25 Neil Isaacs 1 5 20.00
25 Will Mason 1 5 20.00
25 Garron Reynolds 1 5 20.00
25 Howard Baybut 1 5 20.00
30 Gerhard Steyn 0 5 0.00
30 Theo Geyser 0 5 0.00
30 Jaco Smith 0 5 0.00
30 Shane Christian 0 5 0.00
34 Andre Naude 0 3 0.00